
launching END OF april 2024

receive a discount for becoming a founding member of our cool kid club!

Bestie in your pocket... 24/7

Picture this, the most popular girl in school, wants you to join their club. It’s a small group, only with the coolest cats, or those how WANT TO BE.

She knows all the trends, she always seems to know what song is popular, she is hip and she is effect-less in her style. She knows all the tips and tricks at presenting uber cool!

In the group, she wants to take what she knows, what she spends hours researching, learning and investing herself in each week, and share this. But, she knows that nobody can be as cool as her, so she wants to break it down, teach it and make it super easy!

This club is open 24/7. She is on her phone all day so if any club members have issues, she is there for support, inspiration, a kick up the bum etc. Social media platforms, content creation, design, marketing and lots more!

She is also friends with all the clicks (all the industries). She can take any trend and turn it into something for each click. 

She is a busy girl. No body got time for dat! She knows how to automate, batch and SHOW UP every single day, with minimal work!

She is also going to have a monthly one-on-one with each member to support them with any individual issues they have in becoming super duper cool like her!

While she wants everyone to see how cool she is, she doesn’t want to show off, so she wants to teach her members how to show their best selves without SELLING themselves! She wants to teach them how to connect and grow their own super duper cool group of groupies! Like a mini-me!

Not looking to have someone manage your socials?
Social Bestie is the step up from those just winging it,
doing it blind and trying to play catch up!

PUT me on the GOSS LIST

so you can know more about social bestie when we launch
** ps, this is just so you know the goss... this doesnt sign you up**

Its for those who wish they had ONE place to turn to

It’s for those who wish they had ONE place to turn to for support with trends, tech, tips, branding, design, business life etc! A place to come with an idea, and have it turned into action.

A place where someone else has the job of keeping up with the changes in social media apps, techie bits, trends and hashtags, etc. A place where you can have a monthly chat/kickup the bum: to have a one on one chat with someone who knows you, your brand, your industry, your limitations and your passions. Together, you come up with a strategy for the month ahead, how to market yourself online!

Someone to look at what you are doing right and wrong and how to keep going, change and improve!

the bestie to help you when you're not sure how...

No one knows your brand like you do. So hiring someone to do it for you might not work! You know your brand, business, products, services, customers etc.. but not sure how to keep up with all the social media changes! Just wish you had someone to help each week with what to do!?