Catch up with Amanda Stevens

Catch up with Amanda Stevens

The day the Kartia team met Amanda! (Second time for Kass… But we had to remind her…. to act cool Kass… act… cool!) WOW.. What a morning!
First of all! Thank you to everyone who joined us today for our chat with Marketing Guru – AMANDA STEVENS! What a legend!
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of going to one of Amanda’s speaking events, you will LOVE HER (link below)!

Some takeaways:

“Omotenashi” … pronounced oh-moh-te-nah-she, Japanese.

With omotenashi, it is providing exceptional customer service without the assumption of receiving a reward.

We are always focusing on the start and the finish.

How about we think about the journey?

Is your client feeling that same love when you received that job or made that sale?

As they are throughout the process or even once the job is “finished”?

The customer journey is so important to help build that “build your customer into your biggest advocate”. If your customer is finishing your service cheering from the roof tops, they are going to spread your name like confetti… without you spending and extra cent on google ads, Facebook remarketing…. you’ve purely just nursed that client, gave them an experience they have paid for, and they are forever grateful for you and your business!

Thank you Amanda for your time and thank you to everyone who joined us!

To see more about Amanda, go to her website:

We could all do with a little more Omotenashi in our lives. Watch our video from today, below to catch up on all the hot tips Amanda was able to provide us!

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